Tarts & Truffles

Tarts & Truffles is an independent culinary consulting company owned and operated by Lisa Arielle Allen, based out of Paris, France, since 2017.

SIRET : 84442937300013

This website has been co-created using Squarespace by Lisa Allen and Rhodri Jones of The Ink Collective, c.2020.

Direct email : lisa@tartsntruffles.com

All images are the property of the owner and are the work of either Lisa Allen, Andrea Sunderland, or Maundy Mitchell.

No personal data of users is collected or stored, except in the case of purchases made using this website. Data is used for transactional purposes only and will never be shared or sold to any third party.

70% Quellouno

Vigdis Quellouno bar.jpg
Vigdis Quellouno bar.jpg

70% Quellouno


Dark chocolate from Vigdis Rosenkilde, sourced directly from farmers in Peru. Tasting notes of forest berries - pecan - cream. Pairs beautifully with rich, robust red wines and port.

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CURRENTLY SOLD OUT! If you are interested in this bar, please send an email to lisa@tartsntruffles.com to receive a notification when it is back in stock.

Vigdis Rosenkilde Chocolates is Norwegian but sources her beans directly from farmers within a small region of the Upper Amazon in Peru. All bean processing is also done locally, supporting the local economy and community.

Her chocolates were Gold Award Winners in 2023 from both the International Chocolate Awards and the Academy of Chocolate! Here is a recent interview where she talks about her journey.


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Copyright ©2020 Tarts & Truffles. Mentions Légales.

This website and the information contained herein has been designed in English.